“Nick Payne’s drama lasts just over an hour but packs in more than most shows manage in three times that length. It is playful, intelligent and bursting with ideas, but also achieves a powerful undertow of emotion.”- The Telegraph review
Asterion project, a professional English language theatre company is proud to present “Constellations” written by Nick Payne. Constellations is a play which won Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Play in 2012 and is coming to Hungary for the first time! Don’t miss out to see the pre-premier on 1st of June in Szerb Kulturális Központ, 1065 Budapest, Nagymező street 49.
Facebook event page

quantum theory plays a big part in the play that is also a boy-meets-girl romantic comedy which shades into something much sadder. Roland is an easygoing chap who makes his living as a bee-keeper. At a barbecue he meets Marianne, a warm, intelligent, and witty woman who works at Sussex University in the field of quantum cosmology.
At one point in the play she describes how the theory of relativity, which “covers the sun, the moon and the stars”, is at odds with quantum mechanics, “which takes care of molecules, quarks and atoms”. A by-product of these apparently conflicting theories, she suggests, is that we could be part of a multiverse in which at any given moment several different outcomes can exist simultaneously.
The genius of the play is that it shows this theory in action. As the two characters meet in a succession of scenes, Payne repeatedly shows different ways in which their encounters could have turned out as a result of factors ranging from previous relationships to the precise words and tone of voice employed. The piece expands into an investigation of free will and the huge role that chance plays in our lives.
Tickets available every day on the spot, Szerb Kulturális Központ, 1065 Budapest, Nagymező street 49. or can be reserved on asterion56(at)gmail.com
Ticket price: 2700 HUF
Cast: Norbert Matola, Čarna Kršul
Choreography: János Feledi
Dramaturgy: Tina Tomulić
Music design: Marco Bonetti
Photography: Mania Karimianpour
Costimography:Erika Breska
Visual design: István Csekk
Director: Čarna Kršul
For details on the upcoming performances check the Asterion Project Facebook site regularly.