The warmer the weather gets, the more attractive outdoor events become and a growing number of people set off to take excursions to various regions in Hungary. True to the spirit of our traditions Szekszárd winemakers welcome guests with open cellar doors and great wines on the Pentecost long weekend on 18–21 May, 2018.
You may be asking, what’s new, after all it’s not hard to find welcoming winemakers and good wines in Szekszárd any time of the year. While that may be true, visiting a winery needs preparations and appointment, in contrast this weekend all the wineries participating in the Open Cellars event continuously await visitors during the stated opening hours. All guests are welcome, there is no need for advance booking and with a choice of twenty wineries it’s easy to arrange a varied program and you may even enjoy the freedom of on the spur decisions.
Did you know that Hungary’s favorite summertime drink contains wine as well? Click for our article on the famous fröccs!
Nowadays there is no lack of wine tasting events all over the country, however the Pentecost long weekend differs from most others by providing the opportunity to visit the winemakers in their home environment. You can take a stroll in the vineyards and enjoy the sight of vines with glowing new green leaves and full of energy. Most cellars offer not just wine but some bites as well and many of them offer family programs with special attention to children. Drivers who are not allowed to drink wine are welcome with alcohol-free wine called “must” and homemade fruit syrups.

Open Cellars
This year most of the leading wineries of the region participate in the Open Cellars event including the ones honored with the prestigious „Winemaker of the Year” award. Besides the household names there are some lesser-known Szekszárd wineries waiting to be discovered. At the site of Kerámia Borműhely in Sárköz Street there are five smaller wineries awaiting guests.
The organizers have arranged for a free bus service that will take guests to the wineries at regular intervals. They have set up a Northern Circle and a Southern Circle and this arrangement will make the access to the wineries even smoother. For the information of the guests the organizers have created a downloadable guide and this pdf document contains a detailed map of the region complete with the offers by the participating wineries.

Coinciding with the Szekszárd Open Cellars there is another event at the weekend: the Pentecost Fish and Game Festival. The Festival focuses on re-enacting the Pentecost traditions but it also offers quality culinary experiences and cultural programs. Visitors of all ages are sure to be entertained as there is a wide range of events on offer including concerts in the evening with some highly popular artists like Magdi Rúzsa, Punnany Massif and R-GO.
For up-to-date information concerning the events of the Szekszárd Open Cellars please visit the Facebook page of the wine region and for information concerning the Pentecost Fish and Game Festival please visit the web page.