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Hungarian Female Painter Exhibited in the Louvre in Paris

Hungarian Female Painter Exhibited in the Louvre in Paris

Hungarian Female Painter Exhibited in the Louvre in Paris | Expat Press Hungary Magazine

Salon Art Shopping, a contemporary exhibition organised in the Louvre in Paris, opened its doors on 27 May. Viktória Hatvany, who lives and works as a painter and storybook writer in Halásztelek, exhibited in the 3-day contemporary fine arts fair, one of the most renowned and most significant of its kind in the world.

Viktória Hatvany Exhibited in the Louvre in Paris“It was a great honour to be offered this opportunity by the Adriana Art Gallery in Vienna. One of my childhood dreams came true: my paintings hanging in a place where artworks of the greatest are guarded like treasures. Few Hungarians can say their pictures were exhibited in the Louvre. I am delighted now to be one of them” – said Viktória Hatvany, sharing her experiences of the exhibition.

Paintings of the artist had appeared in other countries before, for example in Japan, Germany and Switzerland, but she still thinks the Paris exhibition was one of the most memorable events in her life.

Viktória Hatvany Exhibited in the Louvre in Paris“These international events are important since we can get a glimpse of what trends are gaining ground, which are the strongest ones on the painter’s market. We meet fellow artists; friendships and working relations are forged without borders. Just like now, in my case” – she says.

Almost 500 exhibitors and galleries presented themselves at the Salon Art Shopping exhibition, where the organisers were expecting 25 to 30,000 visitors. Viktória presented three of her oil paintings and two graphic artworks for the general public.

“I feel this opportunity has given me wings, I’ve plunged into new work with incredible energy. Besides the cultural shock there are tangible results too: in addition to the increased attention to my paintings and art, an email was waiting for me at home in which a large gallery in Paris contacted me in the hope of future cooperation. This has surpassed all my expectations since merely the possibility to exhibit would have been wonderful in itself” – she added.

The creative spirit is inherent in the Hungarian culture. Creatively, nothing here should surprise you. Your plumber may be a plumber by day and a virtuoso by night. That art and creatively is everywhere in Hungary speaks volumes about the country and the people we know as The Hungarians.

Source: Kultú
Illustration courtesy of Viktória Hatvany

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