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Departure – English-Friendly Theatre Performance in Trafó

Departure – English-Friendly Theatre Performance in Trafó

  • Letting go of someone to whom you devoted your life, to whom you gave everything, is an endless struggle with memories and illusions 24 hours a day, even if it was you who decided to make the break.
  • Lähtö elaborates on this process with absurd humour and breath-taking tricks that you thought only existed in your imagination. Circus, dreams, magic and dance led by the illusionist Kalle Nio in the Trafó.
Latho - Departures

Letting go of someone to whom you devoted your life, to whom you gave everything, is an endless struggle with memories and illusions 24 hours a day, even if it was you who decided to make the break.

Lähtö elaborates on this process with absurd humour and breath-taking tricks that you thought only existed in your imagination. Circus, dreams, magic and dance led by the illusionist Kalle Nio in the Trafó.

This staged world poses countless challenges for the two characters and resembles Michelangelo Antonioni’s cult movie The Eclipse from 1962: there are no lessons learned, no secrets behind the characters’ relationship that get revealed by either the film or the play. Both works of art are soaked in a poetic imagery that explores the ache of lack and loss, and reflects them in our everyday lives.

The dreamy sound world created by Samuli Kosminen, who works with musicians like the Kronos Quartet, is a perfect match for the theme.

WHS is a Finnish experimental theatre group. Their productions touch on visual theatre and contemporary circus. The diverse magic tricks used by the group that was formed in 2002 by Kalle Nio, one of the most renowned Finnish illusionists and artists, combine historical elements with contemporary video art. In their shows the modern, independent and forever changing form of expression characteristic of contemporary circus interact well with other art forms. The group has performed on stages in more than 30 countries and enjoyed great success. They have stepped on stage in the Trafó too with Katoamispiste / Vanishing Point, a joint production of Ville Walo and Kalle Hakkarainen.

Director: Kalle Nio
Choreography:  Vera Selene Tegelman, Kalle Nio
Performers: Kalle Nio, Vera Selene Tegelman
Costumes: Mila Moisio, Kaisa Rissanen
Music and sound: Samuli Kosminen
Lighting design: Jere Mönkkönen
Projection: Matias Boettge, Kalle Nio
Lighting: Anssi Ruotanen
Scenography: Johannes Hallikas, Lotta Karhuvaara, Leena Nio

Kalle Nio’s official website.

The official website of W.H.S.

Tickets for the performance.

Workshop with Kalle Nio in the Trafó Studio: The role and possibilities of projection and film in stage productions

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Budapest's Most Seductive Artworks - Get ready to spice up your holiday season

We offer this workshop for artists, creatives, performers and directors who are interested in the use of videos and projections in live performances. Our joint work will cover history, the basics of using digital tools, techniques, tests and stage/rehearsal situations with the aim of giving participants experience of video projections and the combination of three dimensional space in live performances.

Registration and further information: Workshop Foundation / Műhely Alapítvány,

9 NOV • Viewpoint • Meet the audience down in the Club.

10 NOV • 5:00 pm. • TRAFÓKLUB • Discussion in English
with Kalle Nio, performer and director of the show in smART! XTRA // Illusions

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