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Budapest Districts X, XI and XII- The Green and Historic

Budapest Districts X, XI and XII- The Green and Historic

  • Our continuing series on Budapest’s Districts turns the spotlight on Districts X, XI and XII, containing the city’s largest brewery and oldest hotel.
Budapest District XI. Reading Room of Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Our continuing series on Budapest’s Districts turns the spotlight on Districts X, XI and XII, containing the city’s largest brewery and oldest hotel.

Budapest District X

District X is mainly an industrial area. Kőbánya literally means stone quarry, though when thinking of this district, beer comes to the minds of most Hungarians. Several local breweries utilize the deserted quarries running under the district’s surface for several kilometers, the largest is Dreher Brewery. Their products are well-known to all visitors to the city’s pubs.


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District X also contains Budapest’s biggest public park, Népliget, which is ideal for a walk on a sunny summer day. The Planetárium and the Laser Theater in the park also offer unique experiences for visitors of all ages.

To find out about the best hidden parks in Budapest click here!

For travelers, the inter-city coach station is opposite Népliget. Also, metro lines M2 and M3 have their terminus here at Örs vezér tér and Kőbánya-Kispest metro terminals, respectively.

Felsőrákos, Gyárdűlő, Keresztúridűlő, Kőbánya-Kertváros

Budapest District XI

Wealthy citizens of the area lived in the Újbuda (New Buda) district before they moved up to the Buda Hills. District XI embraces Gellért Hill; climb up the hill and you can enjoy one of the best panoramic views of Budapest. The limestone hill towers above the Danube and forms a characteristic part of the city scape.


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Nearby Móricz Zsigmond körtér is the focal point of everyday life in this district. The square, renovated in recent years, is a major public transport hub, as several tram and bus lines have stops here.

Another distinctive feature of District XI is the Budapest Technical University (Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem), which runs along the Danube bank between Liberty Bridge and Rákóczi Bridge (formerly called Lágymányosi Bridge)

The Kopaszi-Gát, or Green Oasis, is a popular recreation area on the Danube bank and has become a favorite spot for jogging, walking or just sitting at one of the cafe terraces and admiring the view.

Note for the future: the city’s biggest planned development project, the BudaPart residential and business complex, is scheduled to be built here.

Albertfalva, Dobogó, Gazdagrét, Gellérthegy, Hosszúrét, Kamaraerdő, Kelenföld, Kelenvölgy, Kőérberek, Lágymányos, Madárhegy, Őrmező, Örsöd, Péterhegy, Pösingermajor, Sasad, Sashegy, Spanyolrét, Tabán

Check out our article about districts VIII and IX here!

Budapest District XII

The 12th District of Budapest is located in Buda and is a relatively new area, becoming an independent district in 1940. Although the Romans had villas in the area, most of the buildings were constructed in the second part of the 19th century. During the reign of King Mátyás, a natural spring called Városkút, which means the well of the city, provided almost all of the city’s drinking water.

At the beginning of the 20th century the area became one of the most elegant and popular places for new buildings. The district has breath-taking views across Budapest and is very popular with families.


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You’ll find it a bit difficult to get to some outer areas in Budapest’s District XII (Hegyvidék, or the Buda Hills), due to the hilly terrain, although several public transport bus services will get you to the inner parts of the area. The hills are ideal for hiking and inhaling some fresh air and peacefulness after the busy city center. You can also enjoy beautiful views of Budapest from the lookout point on Széchenyi Hill.

The chairlift in the Buda Hills is the lung of Budapest. Despite the increasing construction works, extensive patches of forest still cover the Buda Hills, which can also be accessed by the cogwheel railway. People even ski in Normafa when there is snow in winter. In warmer seasons, the area is perfect for strolling, sitting on the benches and taking in the vista.

Budakeszierdő, Csillebérc, Farkasrét, Farkasvölgy, Istenhegy, Jánoshegy, Kissvábhegy, Krisztinaváros, Kútvölgy, Magasút, Mártonhegy, Németvölgy, Orbánhegy, Sashegy, Svábhegy, Széchenyihegy, Virányos

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