Christmas – as well as the weeks, sometimes months leading up to it – is an affair heavy on one’s bank account.
There’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday and then all the discounts, sales, deals and steals that flood you from every imaginable source.
People buy new clothes, because last year’s ugly sweater just doesn’t seem to be hideous enough any more. They buy new decorations because there’s always a new trend or theme in town. Women suddenly flood beauty salons like this Christmas is their last chance to show off a new do. Bigger tree, more food, fancier drinks and of course, the presents. Harder, faster, bigger, more, or however it is that the album title goes.
Year after year, we hear the statistics of people going into serious debt just to be able to buy expensive, flashy gifts.
Sure, gifting is a nice gesture, but it really shouldn’t be about money, nor should it be a mandatory thing. Especially not during a time of year where we should maybe focus on more substantial aspects of our lives.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t surprise your loved ones or take the fam out for some Christmasy activities. All I’m saying is that being broke should not stop you from having a fun holiday season. So below, I listed a few things I will be doing this holiday season, for my funds are being funneled into my dentists hands. That’s what y’all are getting this Christmas. A healthy, sassy mouth from yours truly. No need to thank me.
So, here are some ideas to make this time cozy for you, your loved ones, as well as your wallet.
Fényvillamos. The tram with the Christmas lights.
Every year, our public transportation provider puts a bunch of Christmas lights on trams and they are the best things ever! The schedule is nonsense so you’ll have to watch out (and not cry), but you can get on it for the price of a regular tram trip. I mean, come on!
Ice skating.
I am not the biggest fan of the cold weather but winter sports are among the few things that make the cold season bearable for me. And this year, the ice rinks are open again. And there’s like, a bunch of ‘em.
There’s nothing like falling on your ass and laughing about it. Also, it’s affordable, you get to be out in the fresh air and get some exercise – while drinking mulled wine if you so desire. All the best things rolled into one.
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Go to church.
No, this is not me trying to convert you, for the Lord sees my soul, I’m not the best at religion. However, churches are beautiful and if you just go in, sit down and have a quiet moment, it can be beautifully calm and serene.
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Get cozy at home.
Fire. A warm drink. Christmas movies.
No, I don’t mean you should set your house on fire. I also am not presuming that you have a fireplace. There are those fireplace videos on YouTube. Put one on, as well as some music, make some tea and enjoy. Or put on your favourite holiday movie and pop some corn. Home should be a place where you can feel warm (inside and out).
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Christmas fairs.
Yes, all of them are the same every year and they are super expensive. However, walking around them is free. I think that wandering around with a cup of something warm in your hands, admiring the Christmas lights – whether in a fair or just in the city somewhere – is a heartwarming thing to do.
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Ugly Xmas clothing.
I’m not a fan of wastefulness but I am a huge fan of ugly Christmas clothing. I’m sorry. It speaks to me. I have no idea why.
If you feel the need to get something ugly featuring Rudolf or some other seasonal character, try second hand stores. You can be thrifty and ugly at the same time, ain’t no law preventing that!

Keep your gifts and…
maybe do something together instead. Have dinner with the people you like. Go to the movies with them. Whatever tickles your collective fancy.
Among all the unpleasantness, food should provide great comfort this time of year. Especially if you’re into Christmas foods and sweets like me. So why not bake something? And share it. Or not.
Let go of expectations.
The way I see it, most people get agitated around Christmas because of all the mandatory traditions and the expectations that go with them.
No, you do not need to clean the house from top to bottom, spiders need a home too.
No, you do not have to make 3 entrees, 4 main courses, 8 sides and 6 desserts. The fam have kitchens too. Share the load.
No, your third cousin’s nephew’s pet lizard does not need to get an expensive present from you.
No, you do not need to visit 6 relatives in 2 days.
No, you are not required to listen to the same stupid family-gathering questions for the umpteenth time.
No, it is not your job to abide by someone else’s family traditions.
The midnight mass is for dedicated Christians, it’s okay for you to fall into a coma on Christmas Eve.
You see? Christmas can be a warm and fuzzy occasion if you put a bit of thought into it. Now excuse me while I gather up the courage to go against the already mentioned expectations, because let’s face it, I should put my money where my mouth is. (Get it?)